After 11 Tools: Reflections

Wikis, digital storytelling, video resources, mashups and Jing /Skype will be tools I incorporate in my bag of tricks.

The use of digital storytelling will allow me to introduce writing skills through a medium that is visual and hands on for my less than proficient writers. Instead of having them dive directly into the writing process, I'll let them verbally tell their stories using the digital storytelling tool. Once they have completed their stories, I can go back an have them write the story in words. Hopefully this will show them the ease of writing and eliminate their doubt of being great storytellers.

My journey through the 11 tools has transformed my ideas for the use technology in the classroom. I now understand that we must embrace the Internet and technology in our instruction or risk becoming extinct as educators. If we resist the use of technology, we are not preparing our students for the future.

There were no unexpected outcomes. I fully embrace technology as a way of life. Don't be left behind believing it has no benefits in your classroom.


  1. hey!!! did you finish?? i am in awe...

  2. I am all done with the blog part, but need to take the final assessment on Atomic learning. You'll get it done quickly too.

  3. You're comments have really made me think. I enjoy using technology, but haven't embraced it. Thanks for helping me feel I need to! Congratulations on getting so far so fast!

  4. I really like the idea of digital storytelling for your kids. We know they have great stories to tell and I'm sure this will help them tell those stories and have them learning writing skills along the way.

  5. Wow! I am so far behind on this! Your blog has really impressed me!! Wonderful ideas! Plus inspiration for me to go on!!
